Achieve More by Doing Less: 3 Steps to Manage Tasks Without Perfectionism

1) Do a massive brain dump. Write down everything you need to do, remember, or are in the process of doing.
Use whatever method is most comfortable for you. Personally, I’ve had great success with digital tools like TickTick.
2) Prioritize Your Tasks
Once your list is complete, decide which tasks are most important.
I limit myself to 3 working tasks per day. I even choose my tasks the day before so I can start my morning with clear direction.
3) Take Action Without Hesitation
You already know what needs to be done. Now, just do it.
✅ Don’t overthink or talk yourself out of it.
✅ Avoid deep-diving into endless research.
✅ Don’t let perfectionism hold you back.
By following this process, you might be surprised at how much you can get done. At first, it may feel like you’re moving slow. That's because you’re focusing on one task at a time, but you’ll find that doing one thing leads to faster, better results.
What are your top tips for managing tasks?